Medical Assessment of Colostrum

What is the Medical Profession saying about Colostrum?  Learn about the medical benefits of Colostrum as an alternative medicine.

According to Dr Donald Henderson, colostrum is Natures Healing Miracle.  Medical Research shows that Colostrum is possibly the one supplement that can help everyone that’s ill, and it’s the most important Preventative Supplement you will ever find.


Immunoglobulin from Bovine Colostrum effectively reduces and prevents viral & bacterial infections in immune deficient subjects : bone marrow recipients, premature babies etc.

New England Journal of Medicine


Colostrum stimulates the newborn’s immune system; as yet, unidentified proteins speed the maturation of cultured B Lymphocytes (white blood cell type) and primes them for the production of antibodies.

Source: Dr Michael Julius , McGill University, Montreal, Canada Science News


Glycoproteins , in bovine colostrums, inhibit the attachment of the Helicobactor Pylori bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. Colostrum contains significant amounts of Interlukin-10 (a strong inflammation inhibitory agent) found significant in reducing inflammation in arthritic joints and injury areas.

Source: Dr Olle Hernell, University of Ulmea, Sweden


Human Clinical Study: Immune factors in bovine colostrums, when taken orally, are effective against disease-causing organisms in the intestinal tract. Ingestion of bovine colostrums immunoglobulin may be a new method of providing passive immune protection against a host of gut-associated disease causing antigens, both viral & bacterial.

Source: Dr R McClead,; Pediatrics Research


Studies with human volunteers found that the preservation of the biological activity of Immunoglobulin, in the digestive secretions of adults receiving bovine colostrums orally, indicates passive intestinal immunization for the prevention & treatment of acute intestinal diseases.

Source: Dr L.B.Khazenson; Microbial & Epidermial Immunobiology


Colostrum stimulates the lymphoid tissue providing benefits in aged or immune-deficient people. Oral administration of immunofactors is simple,inexpensive, free of side effects and may be vastly beneficial in Human medicine to correct immune-deficiency.

Source: Drs Bocci, Bremen, Corradeschi, Luzzi & Paulesu; Journal Biology.


PRP in Bovine Colostrum has the same ability to regulate activity of the immune system as hormones of the Thymus gland. It activates an underactive immune system, helping it move into action against disease-causing organisms. PRP also suppresses an overactive immune system, such as often seen in the autoimmune diseases. PRP is highly anti-inflammatory and also appears to act on T-cell precursors to produce helper T-cells & suppresser T-cells.

Source: Dr Staroscik, Molecular Immunology.


PRP was found to turn white blood cells into functionally active T cells. Results were shown in treatment of auto-immune disorders & cancer. PRP (Pro-line Rich Polypeptides) is an important immune modulator.

Source: Drs Janusz & Lisowski; Archives of Immunology.


Bovine Colostrum contains TgF-B which has an important suppressive effect on cytoxic substances (anti-inflammatory). Inhibits cell growth of human Osteosarcoma (cancer) cells (75% inhibition). Mediator of fibrosis and angiogenesis (healing of heart muscle and blood vessels) & accelerates wound healing and bone formation.

Source: Drs Tokuyama & Tokuyama; Cancer Research Institute. Kanazawa University. Japan


Growth factors in bovine colostrums were found to be very effective in promoting wound healing. Recommended for trauma & surgical healing. External and internal applications.

Source: Drs Sporn, Science


IGF-1, found in colostrums, stimulates bone & muscle growth and nerve regeneration. Also found topical administration to wounds resulted in more effective healing.

Source: Drs Skottner Arrhenius-Nyberg, Kanje and Frykland, Acta. Pediatric Scandinavia, Sweden.


Ageing is associated with reduced levels of growth factors: GH and IgF-1. Induction of GH & IgF-1 increase body weight through muscle growth of aged subjects.

Source: Dr.s Ullman, Sommerland & Skottner, Dept. of Pathology & Pharmacology, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgren Hospital & HabiVitrum AB, Stockholm, Sweden.