Analysis Eurofin FQ20AA1786-1_AAI29812_v1.000 (1
AU Govt Dept Health TGA notes about surrogate viruses
Well folks, the results are in and they are very very good.
Lets say it again, Total Colostrum neutralizes Covid-19. Well almost. Only a tiny bit remained.
Today, Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing, based in Sydney Australia, reported back that our product returned cytotoxicity and neutralization virucidal efficacy factor of 3.83 in virus concentration after 24 hours of exposure to the Covid-19 test sample.
a factor of 3 = 99.9% reduction
a factor of 4 = 99.99% reduction.
So now has never been a better time to supplement your health with this God given superfood.
Now scientific results to prove Bovine Colostrum is an incredibly good anti-viral medication.